I had two moments today, enumerated below.
1) While I was reading a book for my religion class about lived religion in Puritan America, I decided to stumble across the internet for a spell as a study break (if you are not familiar with the wonders of StumbleUpon, I suggest you check it out at http://www.stumbleupon.com/).
Anyway, I came accross this image:

As I stared into Abe Lincolns blurred face, it hit me--
history actually happened. Massachusetts and Virginia were colonies, and early Americans believed in magic and wrote phrases like "some seaven yeares Wonder..." These people were
Ok, maybe it's a little obvious, but I don't think I've ever given history the consideration it deserves. "History" is such a loaded word; it smacks of boring essay questions, wars, and musty books.
However, when I look at Abe's awkwardly puckered coat and stove-pipe hat, and when I peer into the faces of his henchmen with their hands thrust into their coats, my world is rocked a little bit. I can't quite articulate it.
2) Earlier this evening my roommate and I were hanging out in our room, catching up on some reading. It was a pretty typical Monday evening... or so we thought. Until the chicken walked in.
I'm not kidding. The chicken was as tall as you or I, and was extremely convincing--it had feathers and claws and clucked incessantly as it shuffled about our room. The only things that betrayed it as a non-avian being were two dark holes in its eye sockets... We never figured out who it was, though. After a few aimless, clucking circuits between our desks and chairs, the chicken left.
My roommate and I sat in stunned silence for a moment. Then we spoke:
"Did that actually happen?"
"...I think so."
"College is weird."