
Books, Goals, and Dolphins

So, as I was struggling to write papers last term, I compiled a summer reading list and a list of goals that I want to accomplish before school starts again in the fall. Fortunately, I stumbled across the gmail draft where I saved these ideas--

Books to read:
The Bean Trees, Barbara Kingsolver
Jitterbug Perfume, Tom Robbins
The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle
On the Blue Shores of Silence, Pablo Neruda
Fingers Pointing at the Moon, Wei Wu Wei
The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera
The Places in Between, Rory Stuart
The Gift, Hafiz (This book I actually take with me everywhere, so it will be a re-reading.)

Learn something about biology
Rekindle my relationship with my paper journal
Keep a list of birds I've identified
Write Letters
Achieve harmonica competence

Am I overly ambitious? We shall see. If you have any burning suggestions for books I should add to my list, I welcome them.

Today, again, was a blur. I watched some people fiddle with a terrifyingly expensive piece of lab equipment, stood transfixed over a microscope looking at all of these mysterious zooplankton scoot by, and assembled a computer. I still have no idea what I'm going to study. I was feeling pretty awful all day and when I got back to my room it occurred to me that I might be sick, and it turned out that I had a 102˚ fever. That might explain, at least in part, why the dolphins playing merrily at the prows of the oil tankers seemed so much like a dream...


  1. I leave in 3 days and have similarly complied a list of things to accomplish, many of which are books, but also include drawing in my journal, learning spanish, and swimming in the ocean everyday. I haven't written in my blog yet, but email me or leave me comments!

  2. Hi Caitlin from your grandmother's old Yo-Hi buddy. She sent me your blogsite. Do you realize you are in one of the birding meccas of the world! Take advantage of it!
    As for your reading--add something fun and light in there too.
    Good luck with your summer apprenticing. The only other person I know who did that ended up married to the mentor!

  3. You never cease to amaze me Caitlin.
