

Hello there, everyone.
It's been a while, I know...

I drove back to school almost three weeks ago (Western Montana was my favorite), and now I'm in Minnesota. The temperatures have plunged to almost -50 (when it gets that cold, recently boiled water thrown from a teacup turns into a cloud before hitting the ground). I've read Locke, and James, and memorized 82 structures of a sheep's brain. There was a new year, and now there's a new President. I watched his speech on an internet live stream while I was at work, and it felt momentous even with the hiccups in the bandwidth. Someone just gave me a balloon for no reason.

I'm not quite sure why I've taken a break from this blog, but, for now, I feel like I might start writing again. There's something about the structure of words--a hefty, yet breezy artistry--that always keeps me coming back for more.

And now the end of a poem of Maya Angelou's of which I am particularly fond (this poem was written for President Clinton and read during his 1993 inauguration):

"Here on the pulse of this new day
You may have the grace to look up and out
And into your sister's eyes, into
Your brother's face, your country
And say simply
Very simply
With hope
Good morning."

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