Thunder boomed a minute ago so deeply it echoed in my diaphragm. I sit here in the guest house and, even though this keyboard has three alphabets, I'm struggling to enact a fingertip tap-dance that spells something insightful about love. I tried to load "gmail.com" as a distraction but for some reason the "om" part got entered as a search parameter and instead of my e-mail I received "about 99,000,000" hits about just one sacred syllable that means everything is everything else. Meanwhile the peacocks (confirmed as incandescent blue) mew plaintively in the rainstorm and I wonder how the hell I am ever going to write a paper in Sri Lanka when I'm doubting The Academy backwards and forwards and would rather sing of eternal vibrations than correctly utilize Chicago Style Notation.
Yes. The rain is falling and it's just past sunset. I should be writing a paper, dinner isn't ready yet, and I'm wondering.
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