
Ideas on Wings

I feel like I need to mention the fact that, thus far, the promised chocolate calendar has had some extremely empty little doors. Before my "25 days of blog" resolution I didn't post here unless I was somewhat inspired, and I'm discovering that writing anything remotely worth reading on a regular basis takes an extreme amount of effort (slightly too much effort, I daresay, for winter break). I can't imagine that some people write for a living.

My lack of posting, however, is not due to a dearth of ideas. Today at work I was doing the usual thing: transcribing charts while listening to This American Life, sipping free espresso, and eavesdropping on office gossip. As I sat in my office chair, ideas for things that I should write about kept pestering me--they were like little winged poltergeists, incessantly tapping me on the shoulder and distracting me from my mind-numbing labor.

Instead of ignoring the ideas completely, I opened up a Gmail draft and attempted to list their essences and they passed me by. Copied below is that list. Perhaps, at the Yuletide nears, I will conjure the motivation to flesh out these ideas on wings.

1) this is just to say
2) rose, where did you get that red?
3) Sisyphus
4) little doors are windows to my brain...but not chocolate... apples?
5) old houses
6) some thoughts on traveling
7) to be!!!
8) small talk is the devil
9) espresso: a love story
10) words, failure, and enlightenment

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