

This is an excerpt from our last class discussion in Philosophy of Mind (which is unequivocally ridiculous):

Student: Sooo... there isn't a single property of a neuron that the chicken couldn't fulfill?
Professor: Correct.

MY BRAIN IS CHICKENS. Or I thought that it very well might be last Thursday night, when I had an existential crisis. I sat in the library, my thoughts clucking as I doubted the reality of my every sense perception, until I just couldn't take it anymore. At roughly 9:52 p.m. I abandoned my desk, trekked to the Cannon river, threw off my clothes, and hurled myself into the wine-black water.

The mud squished.
The icy river took my breath away.
My words flew the coop,

And it was real.

1 comment:

  1. So jealous. No places to skinny dip here, though I suppose there's enough that's real to keep my mind busy enough. I just spent 6 days living in rural Bolivia, which should keep my brain humming for a while, if not forever.

    There are plans to skinny dip lake Titicaca. Others may be joking. I'm not . . . will keep you updated.
